
EB-1A Approved for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Field of Biomedical Engineering

Client’s Testimonial:
Thank you for your great help. I will put my recommendation on mitbbs website.

We Received EB1-A (Alien of Extraordinary Ability) Approval on March 3rd, 2015 for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Field of Biomedical Engineering (Approval Notice)

General Field: Biomedical Engineering
Position at the Time of Case Filing: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Country of Origin: China
Service Center: Nebraska Service Center (NSC)
State of Residence at the Time of Filing: Illinois
Approval Notice Date:  March 3rd, 2015
Processing Time:  4 Months, 14 Days

Case Summary:
In this case, the client that we had the pleasure of working with was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the field of Biomedical Engineering. He conducts his research on a highly specialized area focusing microRNA, small molecules, and cellular reprograming. His work had resulted in 22 peer-reviewed scientific articles published in leading journals and 1 patent. At the time that his case was filed, his publications had been cited at least 264 times by researchers around the world, serving as apparent and objective evidence of his major influence and impact on the field of endeavor, in addition to his sustained international acclaim. He had also reviewed 26 manuscripts for at least 9 distinctive, internationally-circulated journals. His superior level of expertise was confirmed in the following quote from an independent recommender, “[Client]’s work is important because it has helped scientists overcome several limitations in the field of somatic cell reprogramming. This technology has recently become very popular and received great acclaim for its potential in regenerative medicine. Many scientists would like to use this new technology to carry out new projects, but it is difficult because of the low efficiency (~0.05%) and slow kinetics (at least one month) of the reprogramming process. […] [Client]’s creative reprogramming system, which substantially reduced the growth of partial colonies, has helped the field overcome many of these limitations.” It was our goal to prove that our client qualified for classification as an Alien of Extraordinary Ability given that he sought to remain in the United States to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability, and that his continued research would substantially and prospectively benefit the United States. With the proof and documentation that we provided, his case was approved in just 4 months and 14 days.

North America Immigration Law Group – WeGreened.com ( Also known as Chen Immigration Law Associates) is one of the major U.S. immigration law firms with the focus on the petitions of EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver), EB-1A (Alien of Extraordinary Ability) and EB-1B (Outstanding Researchers/Professors) categories.
We are pleased to announce that in year 2014, we have received 915 EB-1A, EB-1B and EB-2 NIW approval notices. Our approval rate in 2014 is 97.65% for all EB-1/NIW cases and 98.65% for EB-1/NIW cases using our "Approval or Refund®" (money back guarantee) service.In 2014, for NIW cases, the approval rate is 99.75% for cases using our "Approval or Refund®" (money back guarantee) service and 95.37% using our regular service. The overall approval rate for NIW cases is 98.81%.In 2014, the approval rate is 97.32% for "Approval or Refund®" (money back guarantee) EB-1A cases and 91.30% for regular EB-1A cases. The overall approval rate for EB-1A cases is 96.20%.We are one of the leading U.S. immigration law firms providing the most comprehensive services for EB-1/NIW petition with a large volume of approval cases and high approval rate.
For more information about our approved cases, please see: http://www.wegreened.com/eb1_niw_approvals 
We provide the most comprehensive service for NIW and EB1 petitions, including drafting the recommendation letters (from scratch), drafting the petition letter and responding to RFE. Our staff keeps close track of the latest immigration trends and regulations of USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services), decisions of AAO (Administrative Appeal Office) and judicial review opinions. The massive collected materials contribute to the most convincing arguments and winning strategies of our firm for EB1A, EB1B, and NIW petitions.
If you are interested in filing the green card, please send your CV to law@wegreened.com for our free evaluation. Our attorneys will email you back with the evaluation result within 24 hours.

To see more clients’ testimonials and approvals, please refer to:

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*The number of approval notice for EB1B cases is under-estimated of the total EB1B cases we successfully petitioned because many EB1B employer petitioners did not submit G-28 and we are not the attorney on the record.
*In 2014, our approval rate is 98.81% for all NIW cases and 99.75% for "Approval or Refund®" (money back guarantee) NIW cases.
*In 2014, our approval rate for all EB-1 cases is 96.30% and 97.39% for our "Approval or Refund®" (money back guarantee) EB-1 cases.
*The approval rate statistics only include cases that were originally filed by our law firm and exclude RFE cases that were taken over in the middle from other law firms or DIY clients.

Copyright © North America Immigration Law Group – WeGreened.com, All Rights Reserved. • Tel: 1.888.666.0969 • Fax: 1.214.580.5532 • E-mail: law@wegreened.com