
Success Stories: NIW Petition Approved for Postdoctoral Fellow in from China in the Field of Environmental Health

Client’s Testimonial:
“What wonderful news! Thank you very much for all of your help along the way!”

On February 4th, 2016, we received another EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) approval for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Field of Environmental Health (Approval Notice).

General Field: Environmental Health
Position at the Time of Case Filing: Postdoctoral Fellow
Country of Origin: China
Service Center: Texas Service Center (TSC)
State of Residence at the Time of Filing: Georgia
Approval Notice Date: February 4th, 2016
Processing Time: 4 months, 11 days

Case Summary:

A postdoctoral fellow from China engaged the services of North America Immigration Law Group (WeGreened.com) to file an EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) petition on his behalf. Our client, who has a Ph.D. in Environmental Health, chose our firm as he knew we would work diligently to help him get one step closer to permanent residency.
As part of our services, we discussed the selection of potential recommenders with our client and advised him to reach out to them for testimonials to support his EB-2 NIW petition. Our client convinced six experts in his field of environmental health to contribute recommendation letters, and we included these letters in our petition packet. One of our client’s recommenders had this to say about our client’s work: “On the whole, [Client’s] research gives immense insight into how pollutants like ozone, PM2.5, and other photochemically-derived, secondary contaminants arise in our atmosphere […] helping researchers and environmental advocates instill better air quality management procedures and more educated policy maneuvers, which has the long-term impact of reducing pollution transnationally.” The petition also contained information on our client’s 7 publications that had gathered 18 citations at the time of filing, and details on his research projects focused on improving air pollution modeling techniques to better simulate air pollution and its impact.
We are pleased that our law firm played a part in convincing the USCIS that our client’s work is of substantial merit to the United States, particularly to public health. The USCIS approved our client’s I-140 petition a little over four months after we filed the case. Our client is currently waiting for his priority date to become current before taking the final step towards his green card.